AHS Store
Ascension Cathedral's 100th Anniversary Album - Cost: $25.00, plus $12.00 shipping) This album was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Ascension Cathedral Community.
An Amulet of Greek Earth: Generations of Immigrant Folk Culture by Helen Papanikolas - Cost $25.00, plus shipping
Arcadia, My Arcadia by Nikolas D. Kokonis - Cost $15.00, plus shipping
Greek Heritage Society of Southern California - Through The Century: The Pioneers 1900-1942 - Cost: $15.00, plus shipping - This DVD chronicles the collection of the Southern California Greek immigrants from the turn of the 20th century through 1942.
Greek Heritage Society of Southern California - Promise of Tomorrow 1940-1960 - Cost $15.00, plus shipping - This DVD continues to historical chronicle of the Greeks of Southern California from 1940-1960.